
Explore standard types and uses of pavement markings and learn about successful practices for applying and inspecting them. This modular training opportunity includes three, 2-hour sessions. Each session is a valuable stand-alone opportunity to explore just the right content you need.

You will have opportunities in each session to explore pavement marking resources—such as the MUTCD and a variety of local, state, and FHWA documents—and to use those resources to answer questions and make decisions that mirror on-the-job tasks. In each session, we uncover valuable tips from across the country that your agency might use for installing and inspecting pavement markings, and we dig into the Nevada specifications, plans, and field inspection guides.

Each is a fun and interactive course, so please join us and plan to participate fully!


Each session described below is suitable as a single class. In addition:

Courses A and B together form a solid foundation for those new to pavement markings.

Courses B and C together provide valuable real-world tips for those who inspect or have responsibility for the outcome of striping projects.

Courses A, B, and C together provide a fuller understanding of when and how to use pavement markings, preparing to install markings, applying and inspecting pavement markings, exploring the value of a pavement marking management system, and discovering new and upcoming advancements in materials and equipment.

Course A: Purpose and Types of Pavement Markings

Topics: Basics of pavement markings; colors of pavement markings; types of pavement markings

Learning Outcomes

  • State three types of pavement markings and the purpose of each.
  • Locate and apply pavement marking specifications and standards within a variety of local, state, and federal documents.
  • Match the correct color and style of markings to a variety of roadway and lane use criteria.

Course B: Selecting the Right Materials and Preparing to Apply Pavement Markings

Topics: How to select the right materials; Pre-application inspections; Removing old markings; Preparing for traffic control; Pavement Marking Management programs

Learning Outcomes

  • Locate and apply pavement marking specifications and standards within a variety of local, state, and federal documents.
  • State the criteria for selecting a pavement marking material.
  • List important pre-application procedures for five common marking materials.
  • Describe removal practices for older pavement markings.
  • Compile a pre-application inspection checklist.
  • Identify traffic control procedures and enhancements suited to striping projects.
  • Explain the importance of a pavement marking management system.

Course C: Applying and Inspecting Pavement Markings

Topics: Planning and documenting the project; Surface preparation; Inspection of pavement markings; Contracting out the work; Hot topics and news

Learning Outcomes

  • Locate and apply pavement marking specifications and standards within a variety of local, state, and federal documents.
  • Explore successful practices for installing, replacing, and upgrading permanent or temporary pavement markings.
  • Identify critical inspection points when installing pavement markings, and explain the local, state, or federal protocols that may be used in your agency.
  • List advantages and disadvantages of using contractors for pavement marking work.
  • Compile a list of important considerations for specifying pavement marking work.
  • Using given resources, determine whether pavement marking application examples were “good” or “bad,” and identify what should have been done to improve the “bad.”


Nicole Oneyear is a Research Engineer at the Institute for Transportation (InTrans) at Iowa State University. Her research has focused on various safety topics including automated enforcement, rural curves, rural intersections, low cost safety countermeasures, local road safety and work zone safety. She also works with the National Center for Rural Road Safety helping to develop and provide training related to safety on rural roads including low cost safety improvements, maintenance and safety, and roadside safety.

Dates and Registration

Complete the below form to register for this training series. The registration fee is $30 and is payable by check or credit card.

For check payment, send a check with a copy of your Registration confirmation email to Applied Pavement Technology, Inc., Airport Plaza Office Building, 1755 E. Plumb Lane, Suite 264, Reno, Nevada 89502, Attn: Tracey Smith. For credit cards (all major types accepted), you may pay using the registration form, or the option on the Training page.

Cancellations must be made one week prior to the workshop to receive a 50% refund.  Substitutions are accepted.  No shows will forfeit their registration fee. For questions, please call 775-420-4811 or email