Want to advance your career with a certificate or a degree? Use these opportunities to do so!
Pavement Preservation Concentration
Maintaining and preserving roadways is one of a local agency’s most critical jobs. It requires striking a balance between the agency’s roadway network goals, resource availability, and stakeholder expectations.
A successful preservation program allows an agency to make the best use of its resources and extend the life of the pavement. The Pavement Preservation Concentration supports development of a successful preservation program. It does so by teaching important decision-making concepts and practices. Skills developed during this module include:
- Interpreting pavement information to identify appropriate preservation candidates.
- Selecting the right treatment at the right time for pavement.
- Identifying design, construction, and inspection practices that result in quality treatment construction.
The Pavement Preservation Concentration requires completion of the following courses.
- Project Selection: What Pavements Are Good Candidates for Preservation? (Virtual, 3 hours)
- Selecting the Right Pavement Preservation Treatments (Virtual, 2.5 hours)
- Treatment Construction and Inspection: How Do You Build Treatments That Last?
- Chip Seal Best Practices (Virtual, 2 hours)
- Constructing a Quality Crack Treatment (Virtual, 2 hours)
- Constructing Thin Surface Treatments for Asphalt Pavements (Virtual, 2 hours)
- Pothole Patching and Repair (Virtual, 2 hours)
A certificate is issued upon completion of the courses. Completion of these courses also satisfies the Road Scholar program's elective requirements.
Associate Degree in Highway Maintenance Management
Front Range Community College (FRCC) offers an Associate Degree in Highway Maintenance Management. This is the first program of its kind in the nation, offering local agency personnel a powerful tool to advance careers. The program is unique in its flexible approach to delivery and awarding credit:
- Entirely online: Complete the courses at your own pace and schedule.
- Prior learning counts: Earn program awards credit for military experience, a commercial driver’s license, and completed Nevada LTAP training, just to name a few. This shortens the time and money spent on classes.
- Fully supported: Select classes, manage their completion, and get credit for prior learning with full support from FRCC staff.
- Open to everyone: Note that no high school diploma or general education certificate is required, just a desire to advance your roadway maintenance knowledge and skills.
- Offers financial aid: Apply for Nevada’s LTAP scholarship program for Nevada local agency employees to earn FRCC's degree. Apply today!
To make the degree more affordable, the applicant’s agency pays a one-time, $500 tuition payment per employee before scholarship funds are distributed. This amount is non-refundable and payable to the Nevada LTAP.
Read how FRCC graduated its first student.
Road Safety Champion Certificate
The Road Safety Champion Program (RSCP) is a certificate program designed to improve the safety training of those responsible for operating, maintaining, designing, and enforcing local roads. The long-term goal is to build a knowledgeable workforce that is motivated to implement safety improvements that reduce injuries and fatalities on rural and local roadways.
Training participants will complete a series of courses in core and specialized safety issues. When all requirements are met, participants will be awarded a Road Safety Champion Program Certificate. Completion of these classes can also be applied to the Road Scholar program. (Note: the certificate is not a degree or professional certification.)