Pavement Marking Installation and Maintenance – Las Vegas
January 25, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 1:30 pm
| $40This interactive 4.5-hour training explores the standard types and uses of pavement markings. It teaches how to prepare to install markings, and then apply and inspect the work. The training also explores the value of a pavement marking management system, and new and upcoming advancements in materials and equipment.
You will have opportunities to explore pavement marking resources—such as the MUTCD and a variety of local, state, and FHWA documents—and to use those resources to answer questions and make decisions that mirror on-the-job tasks. Be prepared to uncover valuable tips from across the country that your agency might use for installing and inspecting pavement markings, and dig into the Nevada specifications, plans, and field inspection guides.
Click here for more information.