Basic Work Zone Traffic Control – Elko
February 4, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
| $30Improve worker and motorist safety with this 4-hour training!
Basic Work Zone Traffic Control training provides a basic understanding of work zone traffic control needs and the proper use of traffic control devices for typical maintenance operations. You’ll learn what to install, and when, how, and why to install it. You’ll also complete group activities and hands-on exercises to apply the new information.
The workshop covers requirements from Part 6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) in a way that maintenance supervisors, crew leaders, and foremen can understand and apply. Specific requirements taught include:
- Standards and Guidelines
- Traffic Control Devices
- Parts of a Work Zone
- Types of Tapers
- Duration, Location, Volume, Speed, Type of Roadway
- Typical Traffic Control Applications
Anyone involved with work zone traffic control can attend this class. This includes maintenance supervisors and engineers, maintenance and construction crews, and utility employees.
Basic Work Zone Traffic Control is a required course of the Road Scholar Program
Click here for further information.