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Workforce Development

NVLTAP supports recruitment and retention efforts for local agencies. Our workforce development services include:

  • Maintaining career development matrices that align knowledge and skills requirements for standard agency positions to available training.
  • Providing a Student Dashboard that any employee or employer can use to track training and career development progress.
  • Offering certificate programs that can be used as career development milestones for employees.
  • Providing scholarship funds for highway maintenance college degree programs.

Tips on Recruiting and Retaining Employees

  • Make workforce development part of the agency’s strategic plan.
  • Promote inclusivity and diversity in the workforce.
  • Use data to verify that pay and career path development align with local wages.
  • Survey employee satisfaction and act on the feedback.
  • Create a modern work environment, both in and out of the office.
  • Support flexible work schedules.
  • Establish careers paths for all positions, including interns.
  • Develop an accessible workforce development toolkit.
  • Allow employees to join a union.

Listen to the Transportation Research Board’s webinar to learn how other agencies use these strategies.