AASHTO and TC3 Online Training
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) finalized an agreement for a project that provides local transportation practitioners access to the AASHTO TC3 (Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council) library. Access to the training advances the mission of FHWA’s Center for Local Aid Support (CLAS) of providing training and technical assistance to local government transportation practitioners through Local Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP Centers).
Local practitioners everywhere will have access to 120 training modules in construction, maintenance and materials – online, anytime. AASHTO’s goal with TC3 is to create and maintain a fully optimized curriculum to respond to the changing needs of the transportation technical workforce. Courses provided by TC3 are developed through a collaboration of national best practices and a network of knowledgeable subject matter experts.
To browse and access TC3 course offerings, you will first need to create an AASHTO account. Then complete the following:
• Select Register. Then you must enter your agency email address.
• After registration is complete, you will have unlimited access to the curriculum.
• To browse and gain access to the TC3 course offerings, go to https://store.transportation.org/training
• For courses with the T3 icon, use promotion code: D5X3-B3D9-52CB-4XCX for free.
• For additional help, watch this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/NcFONY2R78s
ITE and FHWA Training Module Agreement
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) have partnered to provide training to local and tribal transportation practitioners. These free web-based training modules, geared toward local agency and tribal government highway maintenance, construction, safety and engineering staff and managers as well as others, will involve numerous critical transportation areas, including transportation fundamentals, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), traffic engineering, and safety.
Read more here about the ITE and FHWA agreement. To learn more and to confirm eligibility, please contact Kellyanne Broom, ITE Professional Development Manager, at pdinfo@ite.org.