PPRA Webinar: Small Agency, Big Plans
July 21, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| FreeFree webinar from the Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance: Small Agency, Big Plans—What Pavement Preservation Managers in Small Communities Should be Doing to Maintain Their Road Networks
Learn how the Town of Matthews, North Carolina maintains their road network of 100 centerline miles with a very limited budget. From convincing the Town Board, to projecting budgets and growth, this small agency is beginning to gain ground and reverse the trend of a deteriorating network.
Especially now, when agencies across the US and Canada are uncertain about the future of their road budgets due to the impact of COVID-19, network optimization skills are more important than ever.
In addition to a first-hand account from the Town’s Public Works Director, we’ll interview the transportation asset management consultants behind the program to understand the data and trends that informed the maintenance plan for this and many other small towns across the country.
Presenters will walk through applicable and relevant tools found on RoadResource.org, so viewers can begin putting the same principles to use in their own communities and begin building stronger road networks today.