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FHWA Webinar – Moving FoRRRwD with Safety Action Plans: Statewide, Regional, and Local
December 17, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| FreeRural roadway departures make up a third of U.S. traffic fatalities—about 30 people a day. The Every Day Counts round five (EDC-5) initiative, Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD), features four pillars: Addressing All Public Roads, Systemic Approach, Safety Action Plans, and Proven Countermeasures. This webinar focuses on the Safety Action Plans pillar. Reducing rural roadway departure crashes requires an integrated, disciplined approach. State, local, and tribal agencies – come discover how safety action plans can help prioritize safety improvements and justify investment decisions.
- Adriane McRae, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, will provide an overview of Louisiana’s statewide roadway departure implementation plan, how it was developed, and what LaDOTD is doing to implement the plan.
- Cassie Parker, South Central Planning and Development Commission, Louisiana, will present on the coalition’s regional safety plan that has advanced safety within the region and accelerated the implementation of Louisiana’s SHSP at the local level.
- Nikki Davis, Island County, Washington, will give an overview of their Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) including the data driven approach that was used to identify and select projects to minimize the frequency of run-off-the-road crashes.
- Joe Marek, Clackamas County Oregon, will present on the County’s LRSP with a focus on the roadway departure emphasis area.