FHWA Equity in Roadway Safety – Webinar Series
September 20, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
FHWA invites you to the second technical session of the Equity in Roadway Safety Webinar Series. Join us on September 20 at 1 pm to learn about innovative strategies and tools to conduct meaningful public involvement with members of underserved communities throughout the safety planning and project development cycle. Register now.
This session will feature presentations on USDOT’s Promising Practices for Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation Decision Making, tools from the Vision Zero Network, and noteworthy strategies from State, Regional and Local agencies. Featured agencies include:
Equity in Roadway Safety Workshop: Strategies for Meaningful Public Involvement in Roadway Safety Planning
oin us to learn about innovative strategies and tools to conduct meaningful public involvement with underserved communities in roadway safety planning and project development.
-Vision Zero Network tools and resources1:30 to 3 pm ET – Workshop
After the presentations, participants will be able to choose which workshop to attend.Workshop Session 1State and Regional
Learn strategies to build relationships and conduct meaningful public engagement with local agencies and communities that can contribute to your Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), VRU Safety Assessment, regional safety planning and Statewide and regional project prioritization and implementation. This workshop includes:
-Massachusetts DOT: Bonnie Polin, State Safety Engineer
-Minnesota DOT: Derek Leuer, State Safety Engineer
-Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (BGMPO): Wannetta Mallette, PTP MPO Administrator and Brian Murphy, PE Traffic Safety Systems Engineer
-Alameda County: Jhay Delos Reyes, Director of Project Delivery and Matthew Bomberg, Senior Transportation EngineerWorkshop Session 2
Learn about innovative practices to build relationships with underserved communities to develop robust local Safety Action Plans and deliver more effective projects that advance safety for all road users.
-Charlotte, NC: Monica Carney Holmes, Executive Manager, Corridors of Opportunity
-Detroit, MI: James Hannig, DPW Deputy Director
-Lancaster, PA: Milzy Carrasco, Director of Neighborhood Engagement and Cindy McCormick, Deputy Director of Public ROW
AICP Credits – The American Planning Association (APA) Certification Maintenance (CM) credits are available to persons with AICP certification for this session. Please attend the entire session and log your credit on the APA Website. Questions may be addressed to Jennifer Crobak (FHWA) (jennifer.crobak@dot.gov) or via phone at 717-221-3440.