FHWA: Effective Structures for Wildlife Crossings – Webinar
September 14, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Innovation Exchange
Conversations Launching Change
Presented by the Federal Highway Administration Local Aid Support
Source: PennDOT
Wildlife crossing structures are becoming more prevalent on the landscape. Bolstered by the new Wildlife Crossing Pilot Program, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is looking to include even more structures that assist wildlife in safely crossing highways while avoiding collisions with vehicles. These structures come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from small culverts to large overpasses.
However, the structure is only one element in the full spectrum of hardware needed to direct wildlife to the safe crossings. Fencing is primarily necessary, but fencing comes with increased installation, maintenance, and monitoring costs for the owners and operators of the highway.
Explore the various stages of design, construction, environmental monitoring, and maintenance of wildlife crossings with field experienced staff from FHWA and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
If you have questions about this upcoming webinar, please contact Karyn Vandervoort at Karyn.Vandervoort@dot.gov.
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