Delaware T2/LTAP Training Workshop: Winter Maintenance – Snow and Ice Control Part 3
November 5, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
This three module training workshop will cover the full range of snow and ice removal and control, including program development, planning, pre-season activities, in-season operations, post storm activities, and post season activities. It is designed so that all involved personnel can have a sound understanding of the fundamentals and a better appreciation for why others in the network are doing what they are doing. Plow operators, other equipment operators, road superintendents, supervisors, town managers, town clerks, and elected officials can all benefit from this one day of training. Even experienced veterans may find a nugget or contribute a war story. Register for one, two or all three modules.
Oct. 30 – Module 1 – Introduction to Snow and Ice Control:
- Introduction to snow and ice control
- Planning/program development
Nov. 2 – Module 2 – Pre-Season Activities, Plowing and Post-Storm Activities:
- Pre-season activities
- Plowing and such
- Post storm activities
Nov. 5 – Module 3 – Deicing, Anti-icing, Pre-wetting, and Liquids; Post Season Activities:
- Basics of freeze point depressants
- Deicing, anti-icing, pre-wetting, Abrasives
- Post season activities
Instructor: Matheu J. Carter, P.E., Engineering Circuit Rider
Click here for further information or register here