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The FHWA will present an eight-part webinar series on the EDC-6 Implementation Initiative for Digital As-Builts (DABs). The all-encompassing webinar series is design to increase overall understanding of DABs and how to advance their implementation, demonstrate practical benefits, address barriers to DABs implementation, showcase practical solutions, and establish DABs best practices.

  • Building blocks of DABs
  • Benefits and opportunities
  • Processes for implementing and institutionalizing DABs
  • Standard practices, policies, and best practices

Extract Digital As-Built Data to GIS/Asset Management

This webinar will focus on educating participants on implementation involving one of the essential use cases of digital as-builts: Link, integrate and extract survey and/or CAD/BIM model data to GIS/AMS. The webinar will include user stories from DOT agencies using various methods: Survey data collection, Real-time utility data collection and CAD/BIM models to GIS/AMS. The lead DOT agencies will share their experiences on their successful implementation and projects involved, specifications, purpose/need, data content captured, form and format, potential post-construction uses, benefits, challenges, lessons learned and future work.
